A few weeks ago our country was buzzing with the spread of a disease caused by the corona virus. It began with an outbreak in one of the Chinese cities, which then spread across the globe. At first, I was less than eager to see the treatment of the disease from other countries. But when I saw Indonesia already infected with the covid-19 plague, I made myself more careful. Therefore the government gives the direction for all students to study at home and do social distension. The order was not intended for students and students only, but all residents, including workers, were encouraged to stay home. To establish an economy, workers implement WFH programs (work from home) to avoid social relationships outside the home as a safeguard against covid-19 although not all workers apply this. Perhaps home study may look fun, but for some students I consider home study to be somewhat underrated because we cannot directly understand the material. There are some material that is clearly understood but not as easy as when it is directly explained by the teacher in class. Furthermore, the number of tasks given by the teacher teacher makes most students objects. They still do not understand the material outlined but have been asked to work on the matter.
Malang City actually has a few museums, but most of the people only know about Brawijaya Museum, Even though, there is also Mpu Purwa Museum, with its collection of Hindu & Buddha artefacts. The Mpu Purwa museum is located on st. Soekarno Hatta 210, Lowokwaru. The museum's location is in a residential neighbourhood, west of the Brawijaya Hospital. In 2000, the government of the city through the Educational Departure took the initiative to gather artefacts around the Malang City into the special place. Initially all those artefacts stored in public libraries. With various considerations, in 2001 the government used the former building SDN Mojolangu 2 as the store of such historic artefacts. Over time, the building was restored to make a fitting place to store the antiquities and artefacts. 2nd of May, 2004, the building was finally inaugurated by Malang's Mayor, Supremapto Peni. The official name given was Balai Penyelamatan Benda Purbak...
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